Medications in the World,
in a Halal-Compliant Manner.

Development Platform with a
Initial Pipeline of 16 Leading
Halal Medications

Tillat Seeks to Democratize Access to Halal-Compliant Medications to Consumers Worldwide
- Halal medications are manufactured according to religious practices and guidelines.
- Regulations passed requiring Halal pharmaceuticals in various countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, among others.
- Vertically-integrated expertise in Halal process R&D, QC, manufacturing, and compliance.
- Expertise in developing Halal-compliant small molecule and monoclonal antibody manufacturing routes for leading pharmaceuticals.
- Network of reputable Halal certifying bodies with global accreditation.
- Tillat currently has a pipeline of 16 halal medications (8 small molecule and 8 biotherapeutic) at various stages of development.
- The current pipeline offers halal alternatives to the leading therapies helping consumers today.
- Tillat expects a majority of these medicines to be available to consumers by the end of 2024.
©2023 Tillat Pharmaceuticals, Inc.